Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Finally Sir Beckton is potty trained....It has been a very long road, over a year of training, but he has finally mastered the task. It amazes me how different girls and boys are; Jocelyn picked up so quickly and actually wanted to wear underwear...Beckton refused and refused and refused...until just recently when he decided those pull-ups gathering dust in his closet were "cool". The pull-ups didn't last long when he re-discovered the Spiderman underwear in his top drawer...I'm so happy to say YAY for potty training, yet so sad to admit my baby is a BIG BOY now!


The Nelsen Family: said...

Hooray Beckton! And hooray for no diapers for you to change. :)

J and M said...

Yee haw. Go spidey!