Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas 2008 came and went... Luckily for the kiddos our Christmas lasted over a two week period. With so much family in Idaho we received a few gifts before Christmas, had our Christmas here in Texas and then headed to Idaho where it was Christmas every day. We all had a wonderful Christmas, many excellent surprises and great family bonding. The kids were spoiled (by grandparent especially). Jocelyn and Beckton got a really nice double-sided wooden play kitchen, a fish,and so many fun fun games and clothes. Morgan and I treated ourselves to new windows...YAY...(BIG expense, but worth it). Jocelyn was so cute and eager to remind everyone that Santa Clause is pretend (and played by mommy) and the true reason we receive gifts is because of our Lord Jesus Christ and the great gift he gave us...LIFE!
Yes she really says it like that and she was very quick to catch on to the Santa thing, her decision to know...at first I was very sad (she was three) but I really like that the commercialism is out the door and the focus is Christ. It makes things more enjoyable and spiritual, plus the kids still know there are surprises.

Christmas Eve Gift Exchange:
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The kiddos opened gifts from mom and dad (P.J's), "grandma" sally and gifts from each other!

I'll add more pictures soon... I hope!


The Nelsen Family: said...

That's cute about Jocelyn...what a smartie! By the way, I like the new layout!

Anonymous said...

I love and miss those kids. Wish I could have been there to love on them.