Saturday, November 15, 2008


Morgan flew back from Idaho last night. We picked him up from the airport and went straight to the pool to check out the donations! We didn't get to bed until late and had a busy day today. Morgan had to be at the pool about 6:30 and I followed shortly after with the kids. We set up all the donations/sale items and Morgan put up the signs. Unfortunately the weather was terrible; windy, cold and not a good day for a yard sale. There weren't many sale goers until around noon when the sun came out. They made a profit and sold things really cheap; but there were a lot of items left over. Hopefully come spring the weather will be better and they can host a better sale.

I sold Beckton's old bed this morning, we finally got bunk beds and the old bed has been sitting in the living room for a week or so. Morgan was sad to see it go, he really liked sleeping on it (silly man, we have a Tempurpedic and he liked the cheap mattress better)! Anyway I was happy because I doubled what I paid for it, so it turned out to be a good investment for six short months!

Jocelyn had a Girls Scout outing at 1pm, we went on a short nature hike! We looked at a few animal tracks, saw an armadillo (up close) and froze in the chilly wind. The girls had a lot of fun chasing each other and getting to know each other better! They all piled in the bed of a pickup for snacks. Beckton tagged along and was so excited to hang out with the big girls.

Jocelyn and I had the opportunity to see Jenny Phillips, a singer/songwriter. She did a presentation for our stake Relief Society and Young Women. She and her husband sang and did a very touching presentation. It was really fun and Jocelyn enjoyed the singing and attention she got for being so young and cute. It was fun to watch our wards YW sing one of Jenny Phillips songs! Morgan, being the 11-year old scout leader, was a part of the Priesthood Preview last night and enjoyed every minute if it!



LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

Darn, I'm sad I missed the concert. I really wanted to go, but Bryce was too busy to stay home with the kids. But hey...he's "done" now, so my life might return to normal! :)