Monday, May 25, 2009

CuTe KiDs...

We've been swimming lots, lots and lots lately and just thought I'd post a pic of how CUTE my kiddos are...this is mostly for the grandparents....and because I'm still working on the new site...hope everyone can see this (even if just for a few seconds)! Yes, the picture is a little fuzzy... I still NEED a new camera....



Melissa S. said...

Yay Rob! I didn't get kicked off! I'm so excited. I don't know what has changed but I'm sure enjoying your blog and your kids are cuties!

Liz and Tyler Hurd said...

can't wait till the new one is up and running, ironic though now that I am actually allowed to read a whole post without getting kicked off. we sure appreciate your friendship and generocity. Love ya lots, the Hurds