Wednesday, December 10, 2008

gOiNg BoNkErS...

Every Wednesday is Preschool for Beckton and a gaggle of his Nursery friends. We usually have preschool at our house but decided we should have an occasional and inexpensive field trip/outing! Today was our first outing; we intended to do something geared more to Christmas but couldn't settle on anything so we decided to go to GOING BONKERS. We all had a blast, even the mommies! Morgan and I have been a few times with the kids, but never actually played with them, just watched! Today I crawled around with Beckton and his friends and literally had the time of my life. The slides were my favorite, I even have "slide burns" on my elbows from all the fun! This turned out to be a good choice for an outing; most of the kids hadn't been, it was really slow today and it was freezing outside; 27 ° this morning. We took a plethora of photos...check it out!


Evynn said...

That place looks so awesome. I wish Twin had a place like that..for me:) Glad you guys had fun

The Nelsen Family: said...

I'm so glad we went, that was great! I was telling John we really have to go back so he can check out that slide...